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Takes Field or Function as value //ReturnName = Name of function or Field to return value to //Currentids = CompanyKey of Customers that shall be shown under Current Customer choice //Seperator = What to use as a seperator. If "," then "1" will be sent in the url, ";" = 2 //preSelected = Field which holds values that should be preSelected //showVakue - determins if the rightmost selectbox should shov value or option.Takes 1 or 2 as parameter //showCurrent Determins if Ports from Schedule or Keyword will be used. 1= All Ports, 2 = Schedule dbfp = "web/basic/hualweb_resources.nsf"; dbfpKeyWords ="Web\Basic\esymfkeys.nsf"; dbfpKeyWords='Web/Basic/esymfkeys.nsf' dbfpSchedule ="web/chain/hual_schedules.nsf"; url = '/'+dbfp+'/frs_selectPortArea?OpenFrameset&selview=.viePortLookup?openview&returnName='+returnName+'##count=-1'; url=url+'&returnType='+returnType+'&returnName='+returnName; if (Currentids) { url = url +'&participants=' + Currentids; } if (seperator) { if (seperator==";") { seperator=2 } else{ seperator=1 } url = url +'&seperator=' + seperator; } else{ url = url +'&seperator=' + 1; } if (preSelected) { url = url + '&preSelected='+preSelected } if (showValue) { url = url + '&showValue='+showValue } else{ url = url + '&showValue=1' } if (PortDB){ if (PortDB==1) {openDB = dbfpKeyWords} else {openDB = dbfpSchedule } url = url + '&PortDB'+showValue+'&frame=viewresult&src='+'/'+dbfpKeyWords+'/.viePortLookup?openview&count=-1' } else{ url = url + '&PortDB=1&2=' },'','height=600,width=600,scrollbars=yes','') } //----------------------- function OpenSub2(id, status) { var imgType; var x = document.getElementsByName(id); for (var i=0;i